Friday, May 21, 2010

Springtime Flowers

One great thing about London is all of her parks. This year Cheri has been playing with the macro lens and going back to her roots with black and white images. Hope you enjoy this sampling!

Let me know what you think of these....

To your good health!

May 11, 2010 - 19 Years!

Well we celebrated 19 blissful years on the 11th of May. Work was nuts that day for both of us, so we decided to go out Saturday night. Shirley recommended a place called Asia de Cuba -boy was it yummy!! We then walked through the streets of London before returning home.

Life is good!
Cheri & John

Monday, May 17, 2010

April 2010 - Chameleon and the Snake

After seeing the pride of 5 lions we were heading back to camp when on the road in front of us we saw a green chameleon. It was a pretty odd sight as this mostly green creature was walking down the brown, sandy road...not blending at all! The chameleon's only defense is to blend. We stopped the truck and began to watch him. The next thing we saw was this skinny snake screaming out of the grass on the side of the road. He was heading straight for the chameleon.

What could he want? He ceratinly wasn't big enough to eat the chameleon? As we watched the snake began attacking the poor green creature. Another vehicle came up behind us and as it approached the snake shot off to the side of the road again. Once that truck had stopped...back he came. We don't think he was venomous as we didn't see any fangs, but boy oh boy was he after that poor chameleon. We watched for about 30 minutes and after that we left. Very sad to see, but part of the circle of life.

There is a video at

Cheri & John

Sunday, May 16, 2010

April 2010 - Lions, lions lions

We were definitely treated to our share of lions. We saw a total of 13 lions including the pride of 5 and a mating pair with his brother in tow. One thing is for sure, we never get tired of watching the big cats. Day time is usually a sleepy affair, although with cubs Mom usually gets stuck staying up.

The mating pair seem to get cat naps in between interludes. We thought we might actually see the act, but they decided to hold off until we left.

Hope you enjoy these images!
Cheri & John

April 2010 - Bee Eaters

For as long as I've know about bee eaters, I've wanted to take a photograph of one with a bee in it's mouth. After nine trips into the bush I finally got my wish! There they were...two little bee eaters sitting on a branch in the most beautiful light. I yelled, "stop stop stop", which BK promptly did. I couldn't believe my eyes...there was a bee eater with a bee in it's mouth! I grabbed my big gun and shot away!

As we watched, the bee eater took the bee and smacked him on the branch numerous times to kill him. I always wondered how they ate them without getting stung on the way down! Now I know....


Monday, May 10, 2010

April 2010 - The lion cubs

One day we were very lucky...again! We came upon a small pride of lions with 2 males, 2 females and 3 cubs. This was a very loving family and the cubs were in rare form! For those that know Anthony, Jodi and Cheri....well....just like us as kids!

The one cub decided to get his mother's attention...and John was shooting away while Cheri videoed the scene. How about those canines?!

We are trying to post some video. The HD version of the associated video can be found at

Cheri & John

Sunday, May 9, 2010

April 5, 2010 - Savute Day 1

Well - after a good night's sleep and a hot breakfast in our bellies, we made a plan. We would stay in Savute, one of our all time favorite areas, and wait for Sally or another truck to show up. Jessica was able to swap our Linyanti camp site for the Savute site and she busy trying to swing a game drive for us with another company.

The camp site has this flock of wood hopoe's in it and we really enjoyed watching them. Before we knew it, Sally came rolling in! KB and BK had managed to fix the differential enough to get to us and the mechanic also came in shortly there after with a part that completely fixed it! We were in business again!

That afternoon we went on a game drive. We saw our first ever Great Eagle Owl!!! And sharing the tree with him was a big monitor lizard, the first one we'd ever seen high up in a tree. And lots of zebra!

We crossed the Savute River that afternoon. This is a river that hadn't run in 20 years!

Cheri & John

April 4,2010 - The Easter Miracle

As I said a few days ago: Africa is Africa. It's a place where anything can happen...and often does. We experienced it firsthand on Easter day. We'd packed up our camp in Chobe, loaded the trailer and were headed for Linyanti – a place none of us had ever been before. Now that we had our favourite truck Sally, we felt sure that we were safely on our way.

After driving for several kilometers, we came to a fork in the road. The next towns were roughly 70 kMs in either direction. Confidently, we chose our road and headed on. After whiling away most of the afternoon enjoying the scenery flying by, we got to a really big hill that went down and then up an equal amount. It was very familiar; we had been here before on another safari. As we crested to the bottom of the ravine and started up the other side, there was a terrific noise. Suddenly, no matter what gear BK put the truck in, Sally was going nowhere. It was about 4 o'clock, and, after considerable frenzied conversation, we theorized it was the differential (the thing that makes the truck move forward). So a plan was made. Everyone out! We jacked up the truck to see if our theory was correct.

We'd been sitting on the side of the road for about an hour as the crew frantically worked on the truck, each of us thinking up plans A, B and C.

I asked Jessica what she was thinking. She had gotten the sat-phone out to call the office. But it was Easter Sunday. She did manage to connect with one of her bosses and he was thinking of plans, too. And because the mechanic had given us Sally at lunchtime that day, he was still on the way back to Maun … but his cell phone was dead.

Well, one piece of bush is as good as another. We did have all of our camping gear and food, so in the worst case, we could camp where we were and wait for a rescue.

But, as the title says, we were in for an Easter miracle. On this desolate road, what to our wondering eyes did appear? Two vehicles, one after the other. The first vehicle was a private 4x4 with two guys and the second was an open-air safari vehicle with seven seats. The first order of business was to get our truck up the hill. The safari vehicle tried first, but snapped the rope. Then the private vehicle tried and up, up, up our truck went.

Once on top of the hill, a plan was quickly made. The safari company, Beyond, had a tented camp all set up in Savute, which was only another 70 kilometers away. They were expecting guests the next day, but readily agreed to rescue us! They would load us, all our gear and our guide Jessica into their vehicle, as well as pull our trailer behind. And they would put us up in their tents for the night. There were even showers and toilets right in the tents! BK and KB would stay with the truck and see if they could fix it or they would wait for a rescue.

So off we went. On the way were charged by a bull elephant, who luckily veered off at the last minute or Cheri would have been gored! And as we travelled, darkness fell. In Botswana, you are normally not allowed to drive at night; it's only tolerated under emergency conditions. As we drove wewitnessed a magnificent lightning storm off in the distance with massive bolts from the sky. We also were treated to the most magnificent sky that any of us had ever seen! And then, as we neared camp, the spring hares came out! These are rabbits that look more like kangaroos and hop really high. They were our Easter bunnies!

At nearly 9 o'clock, we pulled into camp. It was hot showers for all and a delicious meal, before retiring in our tents after a very long and incredible Easter day!

Cheri & John

Saturday, May 8, 2010

April 4, 2010 - Changing out the truck

Well the B1tch wasn't fairing too well...overheating on a regular basis. So the mechanic from Audi drove through the night to bring Sally to us!

Cheri & John

April 3, 2010 - Camping in the Chobe - In Camp

After our game drive we found our campsite and set up our home for the next two nights. Tents, cots with bed rolls, and a toilet tent! Home sweet home! We'd stay in camps for a night or two and then move our home to the next camp site. Each had their own charm.

KB cooked marvelous meals for us every night as well as making yummy breakfasts and lunches. We were never hungry!

A bug decided he liked Mary!

John gave Mary camera lessons around camp as we waited for the vehicle issues to resolve. The shot dung and dragonflies.

John & Cheri

April 3, 2010 - Camping in the Chobe - Morning

We awoke the next morning and trundled off to breakfast. Our guides from Audi were due to pick us up at 8.30 so we wanted to be sure we were ready when they arrived.

Well, the guides were as we lumbered in for a sunny breakfast on the banks of the Chobe. In the sunlight all the bugs had retreated!

We met Jessica for the first time and were duly impressed. She was a native of Botswana, who had recently spent a year working for Walt Disney in Orlando.

She gave us the good news and the bad news. The rains have been plentiful this year, in fact they had been at record high levels. The drive from Maun to Chobe had been hair raising with flooding that was so deep it had soaked the trailer. And....the trailer contained all of our bed rolls as well all the other things necessary to camp in the bush for 9 days! The bed rolls were the biggest issue. So - Jessica - taking things into her own hands had found a lodge who could launder the gear. So - we'd start off a bit late, but at least we'd start off!

It turned out the laundry would be finished by early afternoon so we left Jess with the laundry, stopped by Choppies to pick up drinks and snacks and we were on our way! Off we rode on the tar roads, knowing soon we'd be on dust roads in the bush! Happy!!

We turned into the park and the truck we were in, 'The B1tch' started to over heat. Sigh! The crew were worried so they called back to Maun to see if they could bring our favorite truck to us, 'Sally'!

That first game! Right out of the gate we saw warthogs, a big herd of buffalo, giraffe, Marabou storks, banded mongoose and we were in Africa!

Cheri & John