Saturday, July 6, 2013


It's not very often that we are home for the fourth of July weekend.  In fact, it may be the first time ever in our married life that we've just lounged around.  As much as we miss the lake and all that it brings, as a one off, it's nice to be moving at our own pace and as the spirit moves us.  We've biked every morning in the glorious weather and built our strength.  Before you know it we will be climbing to Galway with an eye toward Mariaville Lake!

The landscape has been gorgeous and the flowers are in full bloom.  As we ride our bikes we are smelling the short lived jasmine like flowers as they brighten our rides.


A little more Maine

The beauty of having two cards in your camera means that once in a while you are surprised to find some photos because the camera switched cards without you noticing!

Eastport Maine looking toward Campabello
