Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last Day in London -September 25, 2010

Hey everyone....sorry we've been silent so long! Life has been flying past and I think we've been moving much faster than the speed of light these last few months. We are way behind on our blogging. Hoping to catch up once we find some semblance of normalcy again.

Today is our last day living large in London. Bittersweet for sure! The moves are all in progress. Yes -you read it right - moves. The Albany goods made it already. From London there is both an air and a sea shipment. And whilst we are both flying home tomorrow, Cheri only stays for a week before she returns to live in the Company flat for the remaining few weeks of her assignment. Complicated for sure!

Cheri started doing two jobs on the 8th of August. Yikes! Sleep is for the weak!

So on our very last day in the city we come to love so dearly how do you choose what to do? Well we opted for something typically British...a tour of Buckingham Palace. It's only open to the public from July 27th to the 1st of October each year. We queued up like good Brits always do and got in to see 19 of Her Majesty's state rooms. Wow! There really is something about British royalty!

Tonight we will see one last show. Finally Mama Mia!! We've wanted to see if for quite some time, but kept hoping it would come to the half price ticket booth. No such luck, so we've gone for it anyway.

So with that we'll sign off from Britain and sign on back in the good ol'USA.

Cheri and John