Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lord Nelson and Trafalgar Square - July 2010

One the greatest things about Trafalgar Square is that it is always changing.  In fact you never know what you might see from day to day.  You go home at night and it's empty, yet by the next morning it's filled with something.  Right now they have built a giant maze that fills the space between the two fountains.  Incredible!  They have a plinth that is near the back and is designed to have different things on it for set periods.  Right now there is a ship in a bottle and that ship is Nelson's Victory.  It's a marvelous things to behold.  Enjoy the pictures!

John & Cheri

1 comment:

  1. I am SO GLAD you got a good picture of that ship in the bottle in Trafalgar Square! I kept thinking I needed to get there and get a good photo before I left and never did, so thank you! :) Love them all - remind me of 'home.'
